My Personality Type

ISTP Personality Type

In e9 we took multiple versions of the Myers-Briggs personality test. In all versions of the test that I had taken I was an ISTP. An ISTP is someone who is observant and has an understanding of mechanics. ISTP types are also good at responding to emergencies and are attentive to detail and responsive to the world around them. A famous person who shares my personality type is Stanley Kubrick, a filmmaker.

Does it match?

I don't really think the ISTP matches my personality. I'm not very observant of the world around me. While I am reserved I am also withdrawn. I'm also not adaptable or independent. Often I rely on other people. During emergencies I tend to panic rather than keep my cool and deal with it.
I don't think my personality type explains why I am the way I am or why I gravitate toward certain activities over others.

Does my personality type explain aspects of myself?

My personality type does explain why I've preferred to work alone on projects a majority of the time or even be in charge of a project and do everything my way. When a role doesn't need my type of personality I typically become irritated and hostile towards others. In the past I have come off as a negative and, at times a hateful person because I like to go through and reassemble someone's work until I approve of the result.

During this project I learned that when comparing m personality to others who come off as cold, aggressive and vain that I can relate to them. I realized I shared some of the same ideology as certain ISTP celebrities.

The last personality test we took was an animal personality test. I ended up with the otter as my first and a lion as my second highest. The otter is a creative perfectionist that has high standards and prefers order. There weakness however is their unrealistic expectations of others and themselves. The lion is a bossy leader who likes to take charge. They are goal-oriented and direct.

Apple Description

In e9 we were asked describe an apple and blog about the description of the apple on Blogger. The apple is mostly red however their is a spot of yellow that blends together with the red color. Yellow spots are also specked across the red apple. Surrounding the stem is a yellow-green color in the form of a streak. The top part of the apple is slightly pointed and could almost be described as an acute angle. The stem's color is a dark brown that slowly transitions into a light reddish brown then to a pale yellow. The apple could be described as round despite the angular parts such as near the top lower right of the apple.


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