Professional Article Review

  • Write a summary of the article, identifying the three key points.
A new software makes animation easier through the use of MoCurves. MoCurves allow multiple parts of a model to be accelerated and decelerated in real time.
  • Discuss the author’s argument.
The author has come to the conclusion that MoCurves will eventually replace key frames and become the standard for most animation studios. Due to the unique function of MoCurves, which can transform multiple motion cycles at once unlike key frames which, despite their accuracy, can only transform motion cycles separately.
    • What information/evidence and sources does he/she use to support that argument?
The author provides a video explaining how key frames work and how MoCurves are superior to them. They also provide a brief summary of a study performed with 5 students without any experience with animation software to prove the superiority of MoCurves over key frames.
    • What are the article’s/author’s strengths and weaknesses?
The author provides extensive detail of MoCurves and their function through images and a video comparing MoCurves and key frames. However the author doesn't offer details about the software itself. The author details about the software or how it comes to the article. However the article does provide a video explaing current motion cycles and the new motion cycles used in the new program. The author however does not specifically describe why the new software is superior he relies on the information
    • What are the author's general conclusions?
The new software will replace current software in industries and will be easy to use for anyone
  • Your critique (A critique is not whether you liked the article or not. Rather, you should assess whether the the main point(s) is really significant)
The article does address an interesting concept however the author doesn't describe the new software in detail. Instead he relies on MoCurves as the sole reason as to why the new software will become standard. MoCurves seem like an interesting idea but without an explanation beyond the new function of the new software the author's claim that the new software will become the new standard is doubtful.
    • Does the author's argument support the main point(s)?
Yes the author claims the new software is easy to understand and uses a function that will make animation overall easier. He proves his argument by using a video, images and a study performed on 5 inexperienced students who could successfully use the program within fifteen minutes.
    • Is the evidence convincing? Are there wider ramifications to the conclusions?
The evidence used is convincing due to the video explaing the differences between key frames and MoCurves, however the study lacks detail and ins't convincing. There are ramifications, if the software is made standard in most animation studios. Animation would become more accessible and easier for both current animators and completely inexperienced students.
    • What don't you understand, and is this because you lack certain assumed knowledge or vocabulary or because the writer is unclear?
Why is this software so important ? Why can't MoCurves be added to the current software as a new feature or function? The author does not mention the importance of the new software or what specifically the new software is.
  • Include a citation/reference to the work.
Adagazza , Giulia. “Software makes movie-Style digital animation easier.” Futurity, ETH Zurich, 17 Aug. 2017, Article discussing how a new, easier to use software will replace animation software currently used in the animation industry.


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