Graphic Design Rotation

S.S.D Business Logo
The businesses logo was made using the shape tool. I combined a circle and a rectangle together to form the face of the woman. I used the paint brush to make the hair, human eye and the lips. To make the eye mouth and ear of the robot i used the square tool but for the eye I combined a small circle and rectangle together, using the shaper tool to cut away pieces i didn't need. Then I used a cursive font to show off the company name.   

Multibandz Coupon (online only)

                                       Multibandz Company Logo

The Coupon the easiest graphic to make as it was comprised of only a colored square are bar code and text. First we chose a to make a large square are colored the square the same as the M and B in our product logo. Next we added the text "Multibandz Buy 1 get another 50% off!" and colored the text the same color as the "ulti" and "andz" part of our product logo. Then we added in a bar code using several black rectangles with a variety of widths inside one large white rectangle. 

For the product logo we decided on a simply logo that manged to look professional. The M of Multibandz is larger than the rest of the word and is a navy blue. Instead of using a font we combined rectangles a triangle. We connected the M to the B of Bandz. The B was made using a rectangle and circles. We used the shaper tool cut away unnecessary parts of the B. Finally we used a bold font for the rest of the product logo and used a light blue to color the font.

During our week in graphic design I spent the majority of the time making the company logo. During our time brainstorming I came up with different versions of how we could design the company logo and what else our company could be known for. Overall I'm satisfied with how the company logo came out. I think my tea worked together efficiently and corporated well. The only area that really needs improvement is expanding on our ideas. We have trouble exploring variety when we come up with an idea we like.


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