Photoshop Reflection

During the past two weeks I've developed a basic understanding of photoshop by learning how to  use basic photoshop tools and understanding how to apply texture to a limited space using layer masks. I also learned how to use folders to organize layers and make them easier to manage and edit while making a photoshop document. 

While watching and following along with the basic tutorials I used the patch tool. A tool which is used to remove sections of a photo by filling it with another section of the image, this tool is used when the content aware fill tool cannot be used. The content aware fill tool was used to remove large areas that are unnecessary and draw away from the main focus of the photoshop image or small areas to make the photo look, overall, cleanerThe last tool I used was the clone stamp and healing brush tool. These tools are used to remove small unnecessary things like tags on clothing that can't be removed by the patch tool or the content aware fill tool, and make textures in the place of the what was removed in the photo.

My favorite skill was using the content aware fill tool, it was by far the easiest tool to use and will be likely continue to be useful in the future in removing small errors in wider spaces of photos.  My least favorite skill however was the clone stamp and healing brush tool. I had trouble using the clone stamp and healing brush tool because it was difficult to apply the right textures to small areas and knowing where to add the right amount of texture to replace areas that looked too smooth or strange. 

If I could do anything differently I  would learn how to apply layer masks and experiment with the clone stamp and healing brush. It's clear, based on the final challenge that I lacked a complete understanding of how to apply layer masks, in general, or use the clone stamp and healing brush due to the lack of shadows or textures on the finished product of the landscape man. However I would definitely continue using the content aware fill tool and experimenting with the layer masks in general to produce interesting results and have a better understanding of how to use layer masks. 

I feel like I need to continue practicing with the basic photoshop tools to develop a deeper understanding of photoshop and advance my current skill level.


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