Graphic Design Semester Reflection
- What did you do this Semester?
- Project one
The first project I completed this Semester was the Vector portrait. The Vector portrait took over three weeks to complete. I had trouble following some of the tutorials presented and had to restart the process three times until I found a tutorial that I could both understand and do. I learned how to make curves using the pen tool and how to use layers and artboards in order to create a vector image.
- Project two
The second project was a research assignment based on an important art movement or artist, mine was the Bauhaus movement. I first had to complete a research paper on the movement, then, using what I learned about the Bauhaus movement to create a presentation about the Bauhaus Movement. Then I had to create a presentation with significant information about the Bauhaus movement with slides that visually represented the art movement. Finally I had to create a Bauhaus art exhibit poster for the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Modern Art. The project took over two weeks to complete due to technical difficulties with the server. Bauhaus is very visually similar to modernism because they appeared roughly at the same time, because of this I had trouble deciding on how the slides should have looked. I learned about the Bauhaus movement and the type of art and overall impact the movement had on today’s industry. Te feedback related mostly to spelling errors and the amount of information presented. As a result i edited the slides to be less specific and fixed the major spelling errors. I did change the color scheme of the the title slide. I also changed the overall design of the Bauhaus Art exhibit poster because I was having trouble with my original design. I like how the slides and the poster looked in the end, I believe it reflects the style of the movement well.
- How did you use your time in class?
- I’ve used my time in class to the best of my ability to work on projects and research new ways to go about doing a project when I get stuck or find an issue I can’t solve.
- There was never a point during this semester where I finished early or thought that I was done.
- I stay after school or during lunch and work on projects that I’m behind on in order to improve the skills I have in graphic design and refine my projects.
- What are your areas of strength as an employee or graphic designer?
- I believe my strongest area of strength is the use of and attention to visual detail. I maximize this strength by taking the time to make sure a project looks exactly how i want it to before submitting.
- What are your areas in need of improvement?
- I need to complete projects faster and work faster both in class and outside of class. I could probably accomplish this by using less detail.
- What did you love most about this semester?
I definitely loved the rebranding project of this semester. I thought it was fun to research the history of a small “mom and pop” ice cream shop and think of new ways to design their logo. If I could change anything I would definitely use less detail in all of my projects. I would also come in during lunch periods more often. Overall my experiences from this year have shown me that Graphic Design likely isn't a career field I should look into until I can improve the rate at which I can complete projects. I would like next year to be able to keep up with other people in my class and complete projects at the same rate they can.
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