Bouncing ball GIF

The Process

First we learned about the first of twelve principals of animation, squash and stretch. Next we learned more about Photoshop .5 discovering different features including the timeline and different mac key shortcuts including shift+option+X which would be used to repeatedly undo mistakes or the shift and right mouse click used to select frames and objects in layers. Afterwords we experimented with colors and granite's with the sky, ground and ball. Next we made several of the same frame ball frame. we changed the ball positions and applied squash and stretch. We finished the animation by moving the frames into a time line and changed the number of frames until we were satisfied with the final product.

What I Learned

In animation we began learning about and applying the twelve principals of animation. The first principal of animation was squash and stretch. We learned squash and stretch is used to emphasize an objects speed, momentum, weight and mass. The more squash and stretch added to an object implies the object is soft. If the opposite were applied the object would be stiffer. squash and stretch can be applied to faces characters and objects. We learned how to save animations pictures and logos on Photoshop.5 through export for web. we learned more keyboard shortcuts and menu options.

What I Plan to do Next Time

Next time i plan to experiment more with frames and the speed of the animation. The animation I had made wasn't as fast as i'd wanted it to be. I also want to experiment more with granites to see if I can make the granite look more natural. Next time I plan on using the circle of white more often to give off the illusion of light and to make the object appear 3-D.


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