Group Project Blog Post
Our Company name was S.S.D which stands for science,style and design. We agreed on the name after coming up with the idea for Multibandz. The product our company was selling was Multibandz, a headband that could change color and patterns to match your clothing. After coming up our slogan we decided the headband should have a variety of functions in order to market the product to everyone. We decided the headband should prevent odors caused by sweat and have the headband be made of a material that would keep someone cool while exercising. With the material and functions of the product we could market Multibandz everyone and our slogan, " you'll look fresh" made more sense. We started by creating several different ideas including a "chill pill" and a headband that would change color to match your mood.

Next time I would take the project less seriously and strongly suggest the other members of the group share their ideas and openly disagree with each other. Next time we would come up and agree with a unanimously agreed date to practice our presentation. I would also communicate with the group. That way if anyone disagrees with an idea they can say it instead of ignoring the idea or silencing everyone else ideas.
I liked writing made up information on the team members, the company and the project. Next time I would most likely continue the writing aspect of the process.
We didn't practice our presentation, we improvised our presentation using the wrong website without 75% of the information about our product and company that we needed for our presentation. I don't believe it was a success. Next time I will make sure we were going to present the right documents. I would also practice and communicate with my team come in before or after school to practice our presentation.
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