House Blog

The Process

First we followed the instructions on Google Classroom. We selected a template and used push pull and the offset tool to create the basic outline of the house. After this my house began to have lines appearing across the roof. Any attempt to erase these outlines resulted in chunks of the roof and walls disappearing. Afterwards I had to restart and try again. By the time i finished the house most had already moved on from the animation of the house to the next project.

New learning

I've leaned how to use some of the tools in sketch up to create basic structures. I also know how to use the 3-D warehouse. I can also change the time and date to add shadows and fog to Sketch up. However I also learned that if a shape is not square Sketch up will no longer be cooperative or work properly. 

Next time

Next time I will choose the simplest of designs to mimic. If I need to start over I will reread the directions as many times as needed to avoid mistakes. Such as the many mistakes made in the creation of my house. I will also ask others who have completed their assignment without problems for any help they can provide.


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